SCALA Project Starts
The SCALA project started at the beginning of December 2017, and will run for four years (ending on 30 November 2021), with the first action-packed year seeing the development of whole-project plans, tailoring of the SCALA intervention package and set-up of the implementation study in 3 Latin American locations.
Project deliverables which will be completed in the first project year (2018) include:
- The SCALA Engagement, Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation Plan (initial version for ongoing revision)
- Data management and analysis plan
- First study subject approvals package
- Mid-term recruitment report (half of PHCC recruited to study)
- SCALA Study protocol
- Municipal-based action plans
- SCALA intervention package (tailored to local contexts)
- SCALA training package (to support implementation in PHCU teams of professionals)
Watch this space!