Following the completion of a second implementation phase (phase 2) of 6 months, to recuperate data lost through disruption due to COVID, the lessons and findings from the SCALA experience have been condensed into 5 short videos.
COVID-19 disruption - impact on SCALA
The COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 has had various impacts on SCALA, and the SCALA study has made several changes to continue and advance during the different pandemic situations, including a telemedecine adaptation of the SCALA package.
Following analysis of the collected screening data 5 months into the study, we found that the shorter training and intervention package performs better than the standard-length package.
As a result, the project has taken the decision to restart the study using only the short SCALA package (collapsing study arms 3 & 4).
The third SCALA General Partner meeting was held in Casteldefells, Barcelona on the 20th & 21st November 2019, 3-4 months after the training courses and into the implementation period.
Further information can be seen below:
The SCALA partners organised a workshop within the 16th annual conference of INEBRIA - International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol & Other Drugs (held in Lübeck, Hamburg, September 26-27, 2019) with the title "Scale-up of prevention and management of alcohol use disorders and comorbid depression in Latin America (SCALA): design and baseline results"
The presentations can be seen below.