SCALA Session at the INEBRIA 2019 Conference
The SCALA partners organised a workshop within the 16th annual conference of INEBRIA - International Network on Brief Interventions for Alcohol & Other Drugs (held in Lübeck, Hamburg, September 26-27, 2019) with the title "Scale-up of prevention and management of alcohol use disorders and comorbid depression in Latin America (SCALA): design and baseline results"
The presentations can be seen below.
SCALA Workshop, INEBRIA conference, Lübeck, September 26th, 2019:
- INEBRIA SCALA INTRO - Scale up of prevention and management of alcohol use disorders and comorbid depression in Latin America.
- Amy O'Donnell - Development of locally tailored intervention packages to address heavy drinking,depression and alcohol health literacy.
- Adriana Solovei - Assessing costs of SBI in Latin America.
- Jacob Manthey - Reducing disease burden with alcohol brief interventions in Columbia, Mexico and Peru: first results from a modelling study.
- Peter Anderson/Amy O'Donnell ( on behalf of all Scientists in the SCALA Project Consortium) - Scale-up of prevention and management of alcohol use disorders and comorbid depression in Latin America, Design and Baseline Results.